The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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Text File
121 lines
What should have been in the LZH file:
BOINK.PRG The program.
BOINKCFG.PRG The config program.
READTHIS.1ST This file.
IMAGES\ A folder containing several .BSI files.
This program is Freeware. You may distribute it as you see fit, but you can't
charge for it, except reasonable charges to cover the cost of the media it's
distributed on (read: PD/Shareware collections are okay).
What this is:
In the tradition of creating screen savers that are anything but tame (one of
R. Glover's common complaints about screen savers), this is BoinkSave. Put
BOINK.PRG in your AUTO folder and if you don't press a key or move the mouse
for two minutes, the screen will display a bouncing, spinning ball (reminiscent
of the old, old Boink demo) until you do. This program consumes a whopping 43K
of RAM, even though it's only 10K; that's the price you pay for interesting
screen savers. Fortunately it only consumes 12% of processor time when
actually bouncing the ball. It should run on a TT, but I can't say for certain
(I don't have a TT to test it on, do I?) BoinkSave will NOT run in monochrome;
if you try, it won't install itself. That way you don't have to worry about
turning it off when you switch monitors.
The BOINKCFG program will take some explaining. Not that it's hard to use,
just that there's a bit to it. When you run it, from any resolution, you'll
see a small alert box with three buttons on it: "Config", "Disable", and
"Exit". "Config" will bring up the configuration dialog. "Disable" will
disable BoinkSave completely; you'll notice the button changes to "Enable!",
which will re-enable BoinkSave. And "Exit" will turn on the screen saver and
exit the program. (The screen saver will shut off when you move the mouse or
press a key, of course.)
In the "Config" dialog you will also find three buttons: "Time", "Boink", and
"Exit". Clicking on "Time" will allow you to set the time BoinkSave will wait
before kicking in. Use the "<" and ">" buttons to change the time displayed;
click on the time itself when you're satisfied. "Boink" will bring up yet
another dialog, allowing you to adjust aspects of the animation in BoinkSave.
Here you can choose "Speed", "Graphic", or "Exit". "Speed" will allow you to
choose "Fast", "Medium", or "Slow". On an unmodified ST, these consume 23%,
12%, and 8% of processor time, respectively. Once one of these buttons is
selected, BoinkSave will activate, showing you what the speed looks like. Move
the mouse or press a key to return to the dialog. "Graphic" will allow you to
load a .BSI file (contained in the IMAGES folder) for a different graphic; once
loaded, BoinkSave will activate, so you can see the new graphic. Move the
mouse or press a key to return to the dialog. "Exit", as with the other "Exit"
buttons in the program, exits back to the previous dialog. If you exit from
the "Config" dialog, you will be asked if you want to save the configuration;
click on "Okay" to save to \AUTO\BOINK.PRG, "Locate" to find a different copy
of the program, or "Cancel" to abort the save.
Phew! That's just about everything you *need* to know to use BoinkSave. There
are, however, a few more things I'd like to point out. Recently I released a
screen saver called "Faze". The config program from it can be used to
configure BoinkSave, although you'll only be able to change the "Time" and
"Look" at the saver; you won't be able to save the configuration. The config
program for BoinkSave can be used on Faze, and you *can* save the configuration
to FAZE.PRG. The extras, naturally, won't be saved; just the time delay.
One more thing. The "Disable" function only works if BoinkSave (or Faze) was
the last program to install itself on the vertical blank interrupt. You can
make sure this is so by placing BOINK.PRG or FAZE.PRG _last_ in your AUTO
Well, I didn't expect to write this much about BoinkSave, but I did. If you
have comments/questions/complaints/suggestions, you can write to:
Damien M. Jones
PSC 8 Box 657
APO AE 09109
I wrote this program because I couldn't get the idea out of my head; I thought
perhaps if I got it over and done with, I might be able to get back to my
current project. Oh well. Until the next program...
File format of .BSI files:
Obviously, there are some of you out there who are itching to put together your
own animations for this program. Fine, no problem. Here's the format of the
.BSI files used by BOINKCFG.PRG:
[8 bytes] ID bytes, read "dmj³.BSI".
[2 bytes] Number of X positions to use.
[2 bytes] Number of Y positions to use.
[640 bytes] X positions; these are values ranging from 0-288, as a list of
words. Note that even though they must all be here, they are
not always used, depending on the value listed above.
[400 bytes] Y positions; these are values ranging from 0-168, as a list of
words. Note that even though they must all be here, they are
not always used, depending on the value listed above.
[32 bytes] Palette, in standard 16*RGB format. May be STe if you like.
[8192 bytes] The images. These are sixteen 32x32 rasters in four bitplanes.
If you're using GFA BASIC, you can use GET; just remember to
clip off the first six characters of the GET string, since GFA
BASIC uses that part to record the size of the image.
That's really all there is to it. Not very complicated, but adequate for the
situation. If you get any really good .BSI's, I'd be interested in seeing
them... send them to the above address.
Warning: what follows is a completely blatant advertisment. Read at own risk.
Say, have you heard about DMJ GIF? It's one of the most popular GIF converters
for the ST, and with good reason! DMJ GIF takes high quality GIF images and
converts them to high quality Spectrum images. Or DEGAS or Tiny pictures. In
full color, or grey scale, or monochrome. With the ST's 512-color palette or
the STe's 4096-color palette. It also includes programs to convert Spectrum
pictures to low or high resolution DEGAS pictures. And it even includes a
program to view STe Spectrum pictures on an ST, in 3375 colors! There's even
more, but I don't have space to list everything here. So where can you get
this marvel? Try GEnie. Or CompuServe. Or your local BBS. (You're looking
for DMJ_GIF3.LZH.) Can't find it on your local BBS? I've got plenty of copies
(grin). Registered versions (which run twice as fast as distributed versions!)
are available at the above address for only $15, and that includes a printed
manual. So what are *you* waiting for?